Rights of Nature is the recognition and honoring that Nature has rights. It is the recognition that our ecosystems – including trees, oceans, animals, mountains – have rights just as human beings have rights. Rights of Nature is about balancing what is good for human beings against what is good for other species, what is good for the planet as a whole. It is the holistic recognition that all life, all ecosystems on our planet are deeply intertwined.Rather than treating Nature as property under the law, Rights of Nature acknowledges that Nature in all its life forms has the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles.
About the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN), founded in 2010, is a dynamic and diverse international network of organizations, communities and individuals in 100 countries on six continents, committed to advancing the Rights of Nature around the globe and transforming how humans relate to Mother Earth.
GARN has played a central role in growing this global movement by offering education and engagement, movement building, legal expertise and by developing Earth jurisprudence through high profile Rights of Nature Tribunals.
GARN is not a non-governmental organization, it is an alliance of organizations, communities and individuals who work together to achieve a common vision. It exists to enable its members to be more effective by connecting and collaborating with others who share this worldview in order to recognize and uphold the Rights of Nature as a means of transforming exploitative systems (particularly legal systems) that enable, promote and legitimize ecological destruction.
The Hubs
In order to work effectively throughout the world, GARN needs decentralized hubs to coordinate and support the activities of members within a particular region or area (regional hubs) or with common characteristics and interests (e.g. Indigenous People, young people or legal experts).
The purpose of the hubs is to increase localized and focused support and networking opportunities for the organizations, communities and individuals working on Rights of Nature in a region or within a theme/sector; build collaborations and co-create collective, strategies for the recognition and implementation of the Rights of Nature in a region/theme/sector; provide support to local and regional efforts, respond to urgent needs and calls to action and build visibility for key Rights of Nature efforts in a region/theme/sector.
These hubs are established and run by GARN members who work in a particular geographical area or who share particular characteristics. The Youth Hub is one of these Hubs.
We are continuously working on creating new Hubs as the Rights of Nature movement and we with is grow. Keep an eye out on our social media and the official GARN website, for information on new Hubs in your region!
Below you can find a list of already established Hubs.
Rights of Nature Tribunal
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal was created by the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature in January 2014. The Tribunal aims to create a forum for people from all around the world to speak on behalf of Nature, to protest the destruction of the Earth—destruction that is often sanctioned by governments and corporations—and to make recommendations about Earth’s protection and restoration. The Tribunal also has a strong focus on enabling Indigenous Peoples to share their unique concerns and solutions about land, water and culture with the global community.
Email: info@rightsofnaturetribunal.org